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   公司成立以来,就以项目的高质量、深入的专业化运作,迅速在中国文化艺术市场中站住了脚,赢得了市场的赞誉,并以“专业化运作与创造性经营”的经营理念而享誉国内外。在这几年的时间里,公司运作的由东方歌舞团、中国歌舞团推出的经典晚会《蔚蓝色的浪漫》《华彩唱风流》《火一样的羞涩》《元首之夜》《秘境之旅》《争奇斗艳》,在全国巡演中取得了两个效益,即在社会上造成了巨大的轰动效应,又为演艺集团取得了极好的经济收益。除此之外,东方新大陆公司还主办了大量的国际一流水平的演出项目,其中包括被誉为“百老汇永远的女神” 的莎拉·布莱曼全球巡回演出暨第二届北京国际戏剧演出季闭幕式;2004 年“一样的月光,一样的经典,不一样的苏芮”二十年经典回顾演唱会;邀请有着“建在冰上的流动芭蕾博物馆”的美誉的俄罗斯圣彼得堡国家芭蕾舞团进行访华演出等等。






Profile of
Beijing New Continental Culture & Arts Co.,Ltd
China Oriental Performing Arts Group



Beijing New Continental Culture & Arts Co,Ltd was founded in October 2002, which has been re-converted by the renowned China Oriental Performing Arts Group(previously a state-owned enterprise & have existed for more than half a century). The establishment of the company was specially approved by the Ministry of Culture and the State Administration for Industry in China. It is an independent legal entity owned by China Oriental Performing Arts Group Holdings.

Specialized in organizing both domestic and international performances, Beijing New Continental Culture & Arts Co., Ltd is a large-scaled cultural and arts company which acts as a professional performing agency with commercial operation in order to fit in the ever growing performing market around the world.

In addition to promote the performances for the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe, the Chinese Song and Dance Ensemble, the Oriental Pop Troupe and the Oriental Traditional Music Orchestra to the world, Beijing New Continental Culture & Arts Co., Ltd is also willing to expand cultural exchange programs, to operate commercial performances and to build a platform for Chinese and foreign art forms.

Relying on the strong resources of the Group, New Continent have recruited a large number of experienced experts and visionaries to establish departments for domestic and international business, market research and development department, creative department and agency for artists, and it has provided a powerful production chain for creating, stage engineering and promoting.

In the recent years, the company has introduced programs such as " The Blue Romance"," Love in the Garden of Eden ", " Ink China" and " Oriental Century”etc. which have succeed socially and economically. In addition, the company has also hosted a number of world-class performances, including concerts for Sarah Brightman, “the everlasting Broadway Goddess" and performances by Russian National Ballet from St. Petersburg. With the success of each an every performance, Beijing New Continental Culture & Arts Co., Ltd has become one of the leading companies for performing arts in China.


The principal operating items for the company include:
● Hosting variety of forms of cultural and arts exchange activities; undertaking relevant procedures such as examination and approval from the Ministry of Culture.
● planning, organizing and implementing outstanding arts and cultural groups for commercialized performances and cultural exchange activities domestically and internationally .
● organizing commercial concerts and performances for artists and groups.
● assisting domestic and foreign enterprises for various cultural activities in terms of creativity, planning, counseling, training and implementation, as well as establishing cultural images for enterprises and all levels of cities.
● providing various types of equipments for performances and activities, such as LED, stage constructions and costume rentals etc.

版权所有 © 2013-2014 江苏南通演艺公司 技术支持:天地心网络
手机:18012273678  联系人:龙先生  网址:http://www.ntyanyi.com  地址:江苏省南通市如皋市邓元经济开发区